1952 Junior Red Cross card
1955 Kindergarten work by Alice Lee cover of country diary
1955 Kindergarten work by Alice Lee inside country diary
1955_Yearbook Signatures_B
1956 or 1957 Grade 1 math test Alice Lee
1956 promotion card to Grade 1 for Alice Lee
colleen peterson 1957 grade 1
Colleen Peterson Kindergarten 1956 Diane Harrison on left
colleen peterson 1977 album (2)
colleen peterson 1978 album (2)
Mary who married Mark Burnham and Annie Erskine
Mr Clayton Bullock from 1969 Yearbook
1956 Wolf Cub enrolment card
1957 Armour Heights graduation card
1957 Gr 5 Health note Hints Keeping Friends
1957 Gr 5 Health note How Communicable Diseases Spread
1958 Armour Heights Track and Field results
1960 report card front back
1960 report card inside
Sandi Bartley Simmons St Peterborough
Gerry Harding south steps of Armour Heights
Mike Waterhouse and John Triggs in front of Armour Heights
Marlene Cruse Simmons St Peterborough
Marlene Cruse and Joyce Bannon Peterborough
1961_or_1962_Alice_Lee_Higginson_her_AH_grade_5_or_6 (2)
1962 Grade 6 Grammar Examination Armour Heights
1963 Field Day Ribbons
1964 Armour Heights Graduation article
1964 Grade 8 example of ink pen writing and letter style
1964 Grade 8 History Montcalm defeated by British 1759
1964 Grade 8 History Montcalm had some victories
1966 Yamaha blue
1966 Yamaha red scooter
1968 Maintenance Staff Armour Heights
1968 Teaching Staff Armour Heights
1969 Teaching Staff Armour Heights
1970 Teaching Staff Armour Heights
1978 Ross Jamieson Fairview PS Halloween costume
1980 s Armour Heights Staff
1984 Christmas Bazaar A
1984 Christmas Bazaar B
1984 Christmas Bazaar C
1984 Christmas Bazaar D
1984 Christmas Bazaar E
1984 Christmas Bazaar F
1984 Christmas Bazaar G
1984 May 2 Spring Concert A
1984 May 2 Spring Concert B
1984 May 2 Spring Concert C
1984 May 2 Spring Concert E
1984 May 2 Spring Concert F
1984 May 2 Spring Concert G
1984 May 2 Spring Concert H
1984 May 2 Spring Concert I
1984 May 2 Spring Concert J
1984 May 2 Spring Concert K
1984 May 2 Spring Concert L
1984 May 2 Spring ConcertD
1984 May 4 Fun Day A
1984 May 4 Fun Day B
1984 May 4 Fun Day C
1984 May 4 Fun Day D
1984 May 4 Fun Day E
1984 May 4 Fun Day F
1984 May 4 Fun Day G
1984 May 4 Fun Day H
1984 May 4 Fun Day I
1984 May 4 Fun Day J
1984 May 4 Fun Day K
1984 May 4 Fun Day L
1984 May 4 Fun Day M
1984 May 4 Fun Day N
1984 May 4 Fun Day O
1984 May 4 Fun Day P
1984 May 4 Fun Day Q
1985 Nov 5 Examiner Miss Spence Grade 2-3 class photo
Miss Palmer with Scott Pirie and Scot Maxwell
1986 Senior Kindergarten Armour Heights
1987 Grade 1 and 2 Rm 5 Armour Heights
1988 Dec 17 Junior Kindergartens share teddys
1988 Grade 2 and 3 Rm 5 Armour Heights
1988 Grade 4 Rm 7 Armour Heights
1988 Grade 5 Rm 8 Armour Heights
1989 Grad 3 and 4 Rm 5 Armour Heights
1989 Grade 6 Rm 2 Armour Heights
1989 Senior Kindergarten Armour Heights Mrs Sandi Butcher and Miss Palmer
1990 Boys Choir First Prize Kiwanis Music Festival
1990 Grade 4 and 5 Armour Heights
1990 Junior Kindergarten Armour Heights Mrs Sandi Butcher and Miss Palmer
1991 Grade 4 and 5 Armour Heights
1991 Senior Kindergarten Armour Heights
1990 s portable classroom A
1990 s portable classroom B
1990 s portable classroom C
1990 s portable classroom D
1990 s portable classroom E
1990 s portable classroom F
1990 s portable classroom G
1990 s portable classroom H
1990 s portable classroom I
1990 s portable classroom J
1990 s portable classroom K
1990 s portable classroom L
1990 s portable classroom M
1990 s portable classroom N
1990 s portable classroom O
1990 s portable classroom P
1990 s portable classroom Q
1991 Bill Eakins and Kristen Pirie
1991 Bill Easkins presenting grad diploma
1991 Bill Eakins and Chrissy
1991 Ola Zobel and Kristen Pirie
1992 Grade 6 Armour Heights
1996 Grade 5 and 6 Armour Heights
1996 Grade 7Q Armour Heights
1996 Teaching Staff Armour Heights
1998 Staff Armour Heights
1999 Grade 8 Armour Heights Miss Reed
2000 s students sit on south hill
Bob Jamieson and Brenda McConnell wed Examiner
boy in cowboy garb c1956
cartoon Doug Wright's Family Christmas Crisis
cartoon Doug Wright's Family pop can
cartoon Out Our Way old school desks
crayola crayons 64 colours built in sharpener
Crayola crayons box c1960
Hula Hoop and Rejuvinated Dog Examiner Oct 3 1958 p13
Jell-o Lemon pie filling box
Kam luncheon meat can
Kraft Canadian Cheese slices
life safers roll pep 0 mint
reunion_clipping_This Week_May2804
rough road NZ joke c1961 780px
rough road NZ joke c1961
tide detergent box
westclox alarm clock display c1961