2023 Tentative Program (see 2022 below)

Tues., Jan. 3 - Michele Jeanette - Exploring Family Search

Tues., Feb. 7 - Ken McKinlay - Doing Family Tree Research in Your Pajamas

Tues., Mar. 7 - Barbara Dickson - David Cragg’s Diary: Immigration Voyage and the Founding of Greenbank

Tues., Apr. 4 - Stephen Wood - Breaking Down Brick Walls

Tues., May 2 - Larry Doble - on Brock, Reach and Scott area research

Tues., June 6 - Janice Nickerson shared 4 proven strategies she uses every day to overcome her clients' research obstacles

Tues, Sept. 5 - Lianne Kruger - Telling Family Stories in 15 Minutes a Day

Tues. Oct. 3 - Glenn Wright - Proudly She Serve: Canadian Women at War 1885-1945 [This is Canadian Women's History Month]

Tues. Nov. 7 - Ben Dawson - DNA Clustering: Using the Leeds Method to Sort Your Matches

Tues. Dec. 5 - Show and Tell

2022 Tentative Program (see 2021 below)

Dave Obee - In Search of Home: Migration into, out of, and within Canada
Tues., Jan. 4 -

Claire WiltonAnglican Archives: Diocese of Toronto
Tues., Feb. 1 -

Jennifer deBruin - Forged in the Flames of War: Captive Ancestors of North America
Tues., Mar. 1 - 

Sher Leetooze - Canadian Resource Review
Tues., Apr. 5 - 

Bob Dawes - Scotland from Abroad - The Next Level
Tues., May 3 - 

Mags Gaulden - GEDmatch
Tues., June 7 -
Jane MacNamara "Ontario's Records of Inheritance on Family Search"
Tues., September 6th - 

Jennifer Weymark "Historcal Newspaper Collection in and Around Durham Region"

Tues., October 4th -
 Elaine Lievaart "Bomb Girls: Life at the D.I.L. (Defence Industries Ltd.) Plant in Ajax"
Tues., November 1st -

Tues., December 6th - Social Meeting with Show & Tell


2021 Program (see 2020 below)

5 Jan - Linda Corupe - Researching Your Female Ancestors - https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEkf-CgrT4pHdxqr1NpPl3QH3CnXykDlQT-

2 Feb - Mags Gaulden - Wiki-Tree - https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYlc--spjsrGNceRy_Rj7tpPDVnCtrfEMRo

2 Mar - Nick Post - FamilySearch website - https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEsdu2vqzoiHdf8Aa1UX9DJJ5ZuAdK4jqgy

•  6 AprBob Dawes – Portable Genealogy - You Can Take It With You

• 15 AprSpecial Collaboration with Uxbridge Gen Group) Eva Kujawa - Introduction to Researching your East European Ancestors (7 pm)

•  4 MayJanice Nickerson – Tracing 20th Century Ontarians

• 1 JuneThomas MacEntee - Successful Collateral and Cluster Searching

•  7 SepEva Kujawa – I Just Can’t Get Enough Of Eastern Europe (collaboration with Uxbridge GG) https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYqcO6ppz4uHdEa6m0GX0XQYxLjWzPbyFM5

• 5 OctLesley Anderson –Researching Women in Ancestry.ca https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0kcumgpjwpGdNFOQpBM7JSYxKDx_krFcg_

•  2 NovGlen Wright - Proudly They Served: Researching Canadian Men and Women in the Second World War, 1939-1945 https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcrcuCupj8vEtJvBbszizOeqiUjSDlL5wK_

•  7 Dec – Show & Tell Christmas Get-Together https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMtcuysqDouGNeGLu2_Erb9qXCm4NcZlewN


2020 Program (see 2019 below)

January 7:Breaking Down Brick Walls

February 4: Jennifer Weymark (Oshawa Museums) - Letters from The Trenches

March 3:    Dr. Amy Barron (Clarington Museums) - Susan Nawigishkoke Goose Bolin and the Mississaugas of Scugog Island First Nations

April 7:      Nancy Trimble– DNA: Tools for the Next Steps - moved to June

May 5:        Bob Dawes - Making English Connections

June 2:    Nancy Trimble– DNA: Tools for the Next Steps

Sept: 8:    Marc Seguin - The Cruise of the Breeze: - The Journal, Art and Life of a Victorian Soldier in Canada

 Oct:        Lynn Palermo - "Habits of a Highly Organized Genealogist"

Nov:    Marian Bellamy - Ontario Land Registry Website

Dec:    Show and Tell / Bring & Brag – on Zoom!!


Please contact me with your ideas. [e-mail to: Joyce Lintner ]

2019 Program (see 2018 below)

January 8:    Breaking Down Brick Walls and our new Northminster office

February 5: Jennifer Wymark - Virtual Tour of the Oshawa Museum

March 5:    Bob Dawes was snowed in and will present in June.

April 2:      Sher Leetooze - Ireland, following her research trip there.

May:        Sandra McNamara -Two Topics: Researching Through Face Book and the Tricks and Trades of a Genealogy Sleuth

June:    Bob Dawes - The Family History Reno Project (the easy do-over)

Sept:     Members’ Favourite Websites—a Potpourri of Online Resources  

Oct:      Finding Great-Grandma’s Grandchildren—Ruth Burkholder  

Nov:    Military Medical Units, Boer War to Korea—Ted Barris  

Dec:    Bring and Brag... Christmas Goodies   

Jan:     Breaking Down Brick Walls  

Please contact me with your ideas. [e-mail to: Joyce Lintner ]

2018 Program (see 2017 below)

January:    Breaking Down Brick Walls (panel)

February: DNA Basics, Nancy Trimble; Short Presentation by Karen

March:       The Barber, The Bishop and Lucy by Dave Clements – Black History

April:       Life on the farm: your ancestor’s place in Ontario agriculture - Jane MacNamara

May:         Marian Press - Are you really finding it all when you search?

June 5:    Introduction to the Archives of Ontario - Danielle Manning (Outreach Officer) 

Sept 4:       Cheryl Levy – Using Census Clues to Build a Blended Family

Oct 2:        Ted Barris - WW11 Dam busters.

Nov 6:      Brian Davies – A Boy from Botwood (A WW I Tale)

Dec 4:       Annual “Bring & Brag” & Christmas Potluck

Jan:         Breaking Down Brick Walls and our new Northmisnter office

Please contact me with your ideas. [e-mail to: Joyce Lintner ]

2017 Program (see 2016 below)

January:     Overcoming Brick Walls  - strategies and anecdotes for overcoming research dead-ends - Mini-talk: Anne Delong - Backing up your files strategies.

February:  James Thomson - Using Maps in Genealogy

March:       Ted Barris - Battle at Vimy (on the 100th Anniversary) and based on his book "Victory at Vimy"

April:         Paul Jones - "I am not a Jones. What am I?"

May:         Museum Staff - Lynde House Museum and Vistor Centre, Whitby - "What's at the Museum?"

June:       Sher Leetooze - "Ilustrating Your Family History with Substitute Sources for Family Photos"

Sept:        Lisa Terech (Oshawa Museum) - "Canada 150, and Oshawa Perspective"

Oct:         Ruth Burkholder - "Prairie Provinces Land Records"

Nov:       Sher Leetooze & Bob Bell - "Churches of Bowmanville and Oshawa, in Durham Region"

Dec:        Christmas Special - Bring and Brag and Potluck


Please contact me with your ideas. [e-mail to: Joyce Lintner ]

2016 Program

January:     Overcoming Brick Walls   - genealogical conundrums contributed by members

February:   Laura McEwen, Oshawa Public Library staff member, will present at our meeting on Feb. 2, describing holdings relevant to genealogical researchers.

March:       "Boot Camp" video and discussion - "Taming the Inner Packrat" (organizing for genealogists)

April:         Bob Dawes - Scotland from Abroad

May:         Sher Leetooze - Devon and Cornwall Research

June:       Paul Arculus - book "Tales from the Pine Grove Cemetery" in Prince Albert

Sept:         Christine Ferguson, Oshawa Family History Center Director, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints

Oct:       Carolyn Heald & Roger Shier (IP-SIG) - The Irish Palatines of Ontario

Nov:       Branch Elections will be held, along with reports from our DNA SIG meetings

Dec:        Christmas Special - Bring and Brag


Please contact me with your ideas. [e-mail to: Joyce Lintner ]


2015 Program

January:     Overcoming Brick Walls with our expert panel and Genealogical Education Online with Nancy Trimble 

February:   Sher Leetooze - WW1 Nurses of Durham County and Oshawa  Sher Leetooze has found 36 WW1 Nursing  Sisters who hailed from Old Durham County.  Sher has taken her research and produced a power point presentation that shows the places these nurses worked,  and the conditions under which they worked.  Sher tells you about some of the hair raising experiences these nurses had while performing their duties. MiniTalk - the TONI Experience

March:       Ruth Buckholder – Hudson's Bay Company Records and MiniTalk - The TONI Experience

April:         Geneology Research Using Websites (without costing and arm and a leg) - free websites... where to find them and how to use them

May:         Jane MacNamara - Inheritance Interrupted: WW1 reflected in Ontario Estate files

June:       Maurice Gleeson – Supercharging your genealogy with DNA. Includes adoptions.

Sept:        Beth Foulk - Solve Genealogical Problems by Creating a Timeline (recorded webinar)

Oct:         Jim Bowen – The Bible Christian Connexion and their Early 19th Century Female Itinerant Preachers

Nov:        Bob Bell, Glenn McKnight – War & Refugees in Canada over the Ages 1812- 1918

Dec:        Show and Tell and Christmas goodies

Jan:        Brick Walls

Please contact me with your ideas. [e-mail to: Joyce Lintner ]

2014 Program

January [cancelled due to conditions beyond our control and moved to May] - Breaking Down Brick Walls - with our expert panel - Submit your “brick wall” and we will try to help.

February - Sher Leetooze who will cover the movement of Lowland and Border Scots to Ireland in the 1600s and their lives before and after emigration.

March - Charles Taws - Deciphering the Image: Discovering Identity - based on photos from the 40s to the 60s.

April - Ruth Burkholder - Finding Land Petitions Online

May - Breaking Down Brick Walls - with our expert panel - Email or bring your research problems and questions to this general meeting.

June - Grant Karcich - Introduction to Genetic Genealogy: Latest Developments in Tracing Your DNA

July and August - on summer break; hence, no meetings

September - Guylaine Petrin - "Women, Marriage, and Property: Examples - the case of Elizabeth Sanders"

October - Jane MacNamara - Inheritance in Ontario: Estate Files and Beyond

November - Ruth Burkholder – Hudson’s Bay Company records, will reschedule her talk for March 2015.

December - Our Annual “Bring and Brag” and Festive Treats and Webinar ‘Write it Right'

Coming up in the New Year 2015

*January:     Deb Wilbur - Immigration to  Peterborough -Brick Walls/Genealogical Education - Nancy Trimble if time allows.  

*February:   Sher Leetooze - WW1 Nurses.  

*March:       Ruth Buckholder –Hudson's Bay Company  

*April:         Jane MacNamara Probate

Please contact me with your ideas. [e-mail to: Joyce Lintner ]

Note: On next year's schedule: Charles Taws will bring old photos from this area (from the 40s an 60s) to recount background stories and seek further identification for some mystery photos. Sher Leetooze will reference Scotland and its research opportunities.

2013 Program

January - Breaking Down Brick Walls - with our expert panel

February - Sher Leetooze - Using Maps to Build Your Family Story

March - Ruth Burkholder - Railways and Genealogy: Come and hear how these two topics can be linked. The Mini-talk - Dating photos based upon clothing with the aid of a womens' fashion cataglogue (spanning 100 years) and some Internet resources. Please note: Maureen Taylor, The Photo Detective, will cover this topic in greater detail in her Conference 2013 session.

April - Peter Johnson - A Perilous Trip Into the Rebellious State Of New York: delving into various aspects of New York State - some history, some sources, lots of pictures - with a dip into New Jersey and Vermont briefly too.

May - Dorothy Shier - The Home Children/Barnardo Children

June - Jennifer Weymark M.A. (Archivist, Oshawa Community Museum) Oshawa’s Black History: A Look Into One Family and delineating the steps taken to perform this research; which is applicable to anyone doing genealogical research

September - Glenn McKnight and Bob Bell - War of 1812- and connections to Oshawa

October - Lori Busch - From England to Canada - Why, Where, and How They Came (1901-1911)

November - Ted Barris - (journalist, author, teacher) - The Great Escape... the Canadian Perspective (his latest book)

December - Celebrating the Season with Show and Tell - otherwise known as the Festive Season


2012 Program

January - Breaking Down Brick Walls - with our expert panel

February - Wayne O'Connor (Eoghan O'Conchobhair) - Irish Genealogy (mostly Southern Ireland)

March - Ruth Burkholder - Early "Real Estate Agents" in Upper Canada: - a talk about companies formed to promote group emigration, provide income for institutions or just to make money. Covers Kings’ College, Canada Company, Peter Robinson settlers, and other related schemes.

April - Paul Arculus - Discovering History Through Gravestones - e.g.: a doctor born in Durham became a founder of Durant autos and later a significant player in General Motors (another colourful, yet little known, Canadian story)

May - Rick Roberts (Global Genealogy) - Family Tree Maker from Beginner to Trickster - (materials will be availablefor sale)

June - 30th Anniversary Celebration - with cake, slide-show, "Look to the Future - Social Networking" (Nancy Trimble)

September - Louise St. Denise - Knowledge based discussion of 'The National Institute for Genealogical Studies'. Presentation of online educational opportunities offered by the instutute.

October - Marian Press - Marian works specifically in 'Newspapers Online for Genealogists'

November - Dr. Fraser Dunford - a retired engineer and university administrator who has been involved in genealogy for about 25 years. Much of his interest centres on his home county of Peterborough, Ontario. He is a member of the Association of Professional Genealogists. For many years Fraser was the Executive Director of OGS.

December - Celebrating the Season with Show and Tell - otherwise known as the Festive Season

Please contact me with your ideas. [e-mail to: Joyce Lintner ]

2011 Program

January - Grant Karcich - Italian Genealogical Research - sources and strategies

February - Nancy Trimble - How to Use the Ontario Genealogical Society Website (new features)

March - Brian Winter - Letters from Early Whitby, specifically those written to/by girls at Trafalgar Castle School - some being quite humorous, if not just as informative

April - Allan McGillivray (former archivist of the Uxbridge Museum) - United Empire Loyalists

May - Breaking Down Brick Walls - with moderators Stephen Wood, Nancy Trimble and Anne Delong

June - Alexandra Hartmann (CEO Uxbridge Library) Tales and Video from Labrador - with special treats (Jam Jam cookies)

September - Ted Barris - speaking about his recent book, "Breaking the Silence: Veterans' Untold Stories from the Great War to Afghanistan"

October - Family Search - with Stephen Wood - the free, Later Day Saints genealogical repository

November - The Demon Liquor Trade in the 19th Century - Brian Winter (Whitby Archivist)

December - Celebrating the Season with Show and Tell - otherwise known as the Festive Season Bring 'n Brag Session

2010 Program

January - Stewart Boden (from the Ontario Archives)

February - Lynn Phillip Hodgson - All New Secrets from Camp X


April - Ken Ackles - Genealogy and Genetics: A y-DNA Surname Study Produces Some Completely Unexpected Results

May - Sharon Murphy - Your Family History - Organized and in Print

June - Eileen Wilson - Seeking German Ancestors

September - Fraser Dunford - What's On at the PO (i.e.; What is available to members at the OGS Provincial Office? Also, mention of the most recent projects, almost ready for launch.)

October - Ivy Sucee - a descendent of a Home Child, will be speaking to us about Home Children.

November - Grant Karcich - "Carrying Place" - following the first settlers along the Indian path from Lake Ontario, to Lake Scugog and finally north along the Beaver River to Beaverton

December - Celebrating the Season with Show and Tell - otherwise known as the Festive Season Bring 'n Brag Session

Please contact me with your ideas. [e-mail to: Joyce Lintner ]

We would also like to hear your comments on the speakers that we have already had.


2009 Program

January - Krista Jorgensen - Whitby Library Archivist - How to take care of old negatives

February - Nicole Patterson - Oshawa Library Genealogist - Researching at the Oshawa Library

March - Krista Jorgensen - Ourontario.ca - new photo archiving project

April - Dr. John Sabean, President of the Pickering Historical Society - "Mormon Missionaries, 1835"

May - Larry Doble - The Homes and Buildings of Sunderland Ontario 1872-2009 (also the title of his new book)

June - Don Hinchley - Newspapers and Genealogy: A Beginner's Guide (also the title of his book)

September - Jennifer Weymark, Archivist for the Oshawa Community Museum and Archives - An Introduction to the Oshawa Community Museum and Archives Resources

October - Lady Teviot - The Parish Chest

November - Linda Boyd (Paul McGrath's cousin) - Sourcing Your Research

December - Celebrating the Season with Show and Tell - otherwise known as the Festive Season Bring 'n Brag session, with edible treats galore.

Please contact me with your ideas. [e-mail to: Joyce Lintner ]

We would also like to hear your comments on the speakers that we have already had.


2008 Program

January - Exploring Irish records - will be a panel discussion consisting of three members who have been researching Ireland (both the north and south). Have your questions ready because they are willing to help if they can. [Wayne and Brian O’Connor – Southern Ireland and Sher LeTooze Northern Ireland]

February - Wanda Griffin, Deputy Land Registrar for the Land Records Office in Whitby, will explore the fully automated resources available.
[905-665-4007 ext 211] wanda.griffin[AT]ontario.ca

March - Brian Winter, Whitby Archivist, will be reading and discussing more of the original letters sent home by pioneers who settled in Whitby. Some are funny, some are sad, but all are very interesting. Anne Delong will demonstrate her research techniques for the online "Obituary Times Daily".

April - Finding your English Ancestors - Our panel that will both illustrate and describe their experiences doing research in England, and will answer questions to the best of their abilities. Members of the panel share many years of genealogical experience in this area.

May - Larry Doble – Famous Events and People of Brock Township. Whether your interest is in local history, or If your family was originally from Brock Township, you should not miss this because Larry has information on most of the early settlers.

June - Halvor Moorshead Publisher - Mr. Moorshead is the publisher of several genealogy magazines. His topic has not yet been decided but whatever he does speak about will be very interesting and informative..

September - Finding your Scottish Ancestors - A panel discussion of how to research Scotland, similar to January's research in Ireland. Anyone who is familiar with such research is asked to contact Joyce Lintner (below). In addition, Nicole Patterson, local history librarian at the Oshawa Library, will give a short presentation about resources for genealogy.

October - Breaking Down Brick Walls - This Round Robin session allows the experts and non-experts to relate personal break-through experiences in the realm of genealogy. Bring questions, and get answers. Also, Ken Nicholls, who has collected material about one room school houses (including the "inmates") for Durham's northern rural areas, will give a short talk.

November - Paul McGrath – Paul is one of the star genealogists for the TV show "Ancestors in the Attic". He will be speaking on Toronto, The Early Years: Part two.

December Christmas Party and Show and Tell - otherwise known as the Festive Season Bring 'n Brag session, with edible treats galore.