Ontario Genealogical Society  new logoDurham Region Branch of the Ontario Genealogical SocietyDurham Region Branch 2018  logo

676 Simcoe St. N. — Oshawa, Ontario — L1G 4V7


Research Help

Durham Region Branch would be pleased to receive your research request.

Please provide as much information as possible i.e.; birth, death, marriage, spouse or family members, dates and locations.

Send your request to durham@ogs.on.ca and mark it Attention: Research Team.

Be sure to add your contact information.

Our Research Team will search all the resources in our library collections for you.

Please take the time to first consult our Resources tab for:

Local Genealogical Organizations
Church Records Collection
Helpful Websites
Local History Books Online
Museums, Archives and Historical Societies
Yearbook Collection Link




Thank You for visiting - the Durham Region Branch OGS.